Saturday, November 30, 2013

I wish you...

... a very happy and festive Christmas period, friends ! 

Merry Christmas Celebrations ! 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Atelier Fraisier (Strawberry cake workshop)

First, I want to thank you all for your help, dear you !
I received your comments and mails and really, truly, I felt lucky and glad to have all your ideas and recipes.
In two weeks, I'll be in holiday for some days, I think I'll try one or two recipes at this moment and of course, I'll post them.

I have to read your links and ... TO UNDERSTAND THEM !

Because, ah ! I realized one thing : dear anglo-saxons readers, you're SO strong and clever to come and read my blog ! Most of all if you cook my recipes !!
Because ALL is different between our countries !
Inches, cups, onces, liters, cups, fahrenheit, celsius ... Why life is soooo complicated ? Sigh ...
So, I must translate FIRST and I'll cook after :D

Today, I want to share with you some pictures.
Last year, in november, for my birthday, four of my dearest friends offered me a voucher's cooking lesson.
I was very happy and just had to find the necessary time, you know...

Almost one year after ( it was coming almost obsolete !), I took my short courage between my hands, and with a friend, we decided to this morning in this workshop.
To learn to prepare a Fraisier.

"Holly cow", as my dear Internet friend, Dr CaSo taught me in a comment ...

One entire morning to make a cake !!
Of course, we learned to prepare E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. But, OMG ! I won't do it ANYMORE !

I'll post the recipe soon, when I'll receive it from the pastry chef.
Today, I'm just going to share with you some pics of this experience. Great experience. And only experience ! AH !

Follow me :)

My sweet, dear, loved and only fraisier of my life. And I must warn you : If someone tries to touch to my rose, I'll wrench all his fingers !
I made it twice. I was very proud of my first rose. The pastry chef came, looked at it and said :
"Right ... Yes ... She's nice. But do it it again !". And he crushed my rose !!! ...
Of course, I crushed his head.
He laughed.
And I did my rose once again, glowering at him and at everyone one who tried to approach myself.

We spent a good morning, really. And we'll eat this cake tonight, for sure.
Except the rose.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Help ! I need somebody ...

Dear friends, dear readers, dear lonely visitor, dear YOU ! 
This post, much more than all the previous post, is for YOU ! 
I need YOU !

Super dupont. French version of  Uncle Sam ! 

Here what I bought some month ago, in july, during the American Week, in my supermarket : 

I bought it because it's a typical american product, here, in France. No one eats it. For us, this is so american ! 
And now, I absolutely don't know what to do with it ! 

Of course, I found a lot of recipes with it.
But I'm looking for a REAL recipe, a recipe you, friends, reader or visitor, use to bake to your children your family or even just for you. 
And as always, please, something EASY ! 

A lot of recipe use chocolate too and as I'm totally crazy about M&M's, I think this weeding could work. 

So, today, I'm appealing you : please, help me and write me YOUR usual recipe in comments sections or in my mail address :

I don't promise I will bake it all. I'm not saying there will be a winner !!! :) 
I'm just asking you for help. 

Thank you so much for your participation !